Friday 15 May 2015

Northern Kenya Safaris via the desert of chalbi

10 Days, 9 Nights – Lake Turkana “The Jade Sea” Adventure Camping Safari
( Sweetwaters, Samburu, Marsabit, Kalacha, Lake Turkana,Turkana Adventure Tour and the Elmolo cultural tribe)
Highlights:Northern Kenya is not densely populated, untamed and often barren. Visiting these parts is like leaving the 21st century; it is an explorer’s heaven, and the variety of tribes that live here are some of the most captivating people in the world. They include the Samburu, Turkana, Rendille, Boran, Gabbra and El – Molo. This is a rugged 1,800-km expedition run in land cruiser or expedition trucks. You will traverse along some of Africa’s worst roads; see beautiful mountain forest surrounded on all sides by hot dusty deserts, eventually arriving at our camp on the shores of the Jade Sea (Lake Turkana). Victoria Safaris is offering this as our best selling safari for those true explorers and travelers who want to get off the tourist beaten track and for it, we are highly recommended.

Day 1: Nairobi - Sweetwaters Game Reserve
Depart Nairobi in the morning heading north via the Thika plantation to Sweetwaters Sanctuary for an afternoon game drive to see the wildlife including rehabilitated chimpanzees.
Sweetwaters is the only sanctuary for rehabilitation in Kenya of these widely abused chimpanzees with two groups living in an environment as close to their natural habitat as possible and it is also a dedicated black rhino breeding area.

Dinner and overnight at a campsite

Day 2: Sweetwaters Game Reserve – Samburu National Reserve
Break camp and proceed to Samburu game reserve to arrive there in time for the afternoon game drive in the park.
Samburu National Reserve becoming one of Kenya's most admired stops after the Mara which hosts the uncommon Gravy’s zebra, gerenuk antelope standing on hind legs to feed, Somali ostriches with distinct blue legs and the shy Oryx, Elephant and crocodile and bird life.

Dinner and overnight at a campsite

Day 3: Samburu National Reserve – Marsabit National Park
Depart Samburu and proceed to Marsabit with lunch and then proceed for and afternoon game drive.

The Marsabit National Park lies in northern Kenya, about 560 km north of Nairobi in Marsabit district. The park comprises of densely forested mountain and three crater lakes that are the only permanent surface of water in the region and that provide habitat for a variety of birdlife. Major wildlife species include the African elephant, the endangered Gravy’s zebra, lion, leopard, buffalo, bush buck, large herds of greater and lesser kudus, common zebra, grant gazelles and many other small antelopes. The park is famous for its elephant named Ahmed that was provided with 24 hr security surveillance by presidential decree in the 70's, to demonstrate Kenya's commitment to wildlife conservation.

Dinner and overnight at Campsite

Day 4: Marsabit National Park – Kalacha (Chalbi desert)    
We visit Marsabit town and another volcanic crater before making our way back into the desert and lava flows.
The Rendille people in their bright red outfits, earrings and beads make it a vibrant place and the best place to take in the cornucopia of culture is the lively market.

All meals and overnight at Kalacha camp

Day 5: Kalacha – Lake Turkana
We depart early, crossing the Chalbi Desert. The Gabbra are pastoralists, particularly attached to their camels.

“While it is the lake that provides the nominal incentives for doing this trip, it is the people of northern Kenya that make the most lasting impression, nomadic pastoralists such as the Gabbra, Turkana and Samburu whose adherence to a strictly traditional lifestyle and dress is practically unique in modern East Africa. In small villages such as North Horr or Kalacha, even in the city of Loiyangalani, you could be forgiven for thinking that the whole human spectacle is being put on for tourists. As we returned to Nairobi from Turkana, we felt as if we had traveled not only through space but also through time, to be granted a vision of Africa as it might have been a hundred years ago. That this ancient human landscape still exists in a country as relatively developed as Kenya simply defies belief!” Philip Briggs, travel writer and tour consultant best describes this safari.

All Meals and Overnight at the campsite

Day 6: Lake Turkana  
The day is spent relaxing and you may visit the local lodge to swim or hire a boat to visit the surrounding area or visit one of the Turkana Manyattas (optional) for traditional dances(at an extra cost). This pre historic site is now known as the “Cradle of Mankind”. The lake is home to the largest population of Nile crocodiles in the world.

The rocks of the surrounding area are predominantly volcanic. Central Island is an active volcano, emitting vapors. Outcrops and rocky shores are found on the East and South shores of the lake, while dunes, spits and flats are on the West and North, at a lower elevation.

All Meals and Overnight at the campsite

Day 7: Lake Turkana – Tuum Camel Safari
Departing Lake Turkana we head south to Tuum, situated on the west of Mt. Nyiro which stands to the East of the Suguta Valley with a picnic lunch, you get the chance to walk with camels and Samburu guides in these breath-taking landscapes for a few hours to the foothills of Mt. Nyiro. Dinner and overnight at a campsite

Day 8: Maralal
We have an early morning walk in the cool and spectacular African sunrise for a couple of hours after which we proceed to Maralal where we spend the night. Maralal is one of the most breath taking scenes in all of Kenya with the Losiolo escarpment, an endless stretch as land drops down to the Suguta valley.

Maralal is a small hillside market town in northern Kenya, lying east of the Loroghi Plateau within the Samburu District. It is the administrative headquarters of the Samburu people. The town has an urban population of 16,281 (1999 census [1]). The market was pioneered by some Somali settlers in the 1920s. Nearby is the Maralal Game Sanctuary. Maralal is also home to Kenyatta House, the location where Jomo Kenyatta was detained prior to his release. The town also serves as a base for tourist activities such as bush walking, whitewater rafting and camel riding. It is also known for camel racing and is surrounded by the Maralal National Sanctuary. The famous Maralal camel derby hosted by Yare Safaris is held here. This is a tourist friendly town with many cheap hotels and friendly people.

All meals and overnight at the campsite

Day 9: Maralal – Lake Baringo
We head south to visit Lake Baringo where we spend the night at a campsite sleeping amongst the grazing hippos and watch the birds.

There are only two fresh water Lakes in the Rift Valley and Lake Baringo is one of them, surrounded by large arid plains it looks like an oasis in a desert.  The lake is also an ornithologist’s paradise since the lake is houses over 450 species of birds including the largest of the heron species, called the goliath heron.  Birds are attracted here because it is filled up with a variety of rare fish species.  Hippos and crocodiles also find the ecosystem favorable along the shores of the lake.  The rock hyrax is another animal that you cannot go without seeing.  Also, nearby is a spectacular hot spring which attracts large numbers of visitors annually.

All meals and overnight at the campsite

Day 10: Lake Baringo – Nairobi
Early morning boat ride in search of hippo, crocodile and fish eagle. Drive back to Nairobi to arrive in the late afternoon.

For cost send your enquiries to our email 

Price includes:
  •     Transport in a custom made 4x4 Land cruisers – each person is guaranteed a window seat
  •     Accommodation in camps on full board basis
  •     Game drives / park entrance fees
  •     Services of a driver / guide
  •     Flying Doctors emergency evacuation cover
  •     Mineral water for drinking

Price Excludes
  •     Hotel accommodations in Nairobi before and after the safari can be arranged on request.
  •     Personal travel insurance
  •     Cultural visits to Samburu / Turkana Villages
  •     Boat ride in Lake Turkana
  •     Tipping
  •     Drinks
  •     Personal effects
  •     Extras not mentioned above




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