Tuesday 12 May 2015

Nairobi Safari Walk

Nairobi Safari Walk

(Walking Safaris in Kenya, Africa Wildlife Walking Tours, Nairobi Wildlife Trails, Nairobi Walking Tours)

The Nairobi safari walk is based 7 km away from the Nairobi city center just 30 meters from the entrance of the Nairobi National Park.It is Kenya's new conservation based recreation facility. The facility is supreme in tourism and conservation education due to its skilled and creative landscape design,detailed interpretation and wildlife species.Next to it is the Rangers Restaurant . The gates open daily as from 9am till 5.30pm.The Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) has given the entire Park a facelift. New concepts and ideas have been incorporated to make the Park visitor-friendly. There is always something new to see and so each visit is exciting and thrilling.

For International Visitors, The Nairobi safari walk is an eye opener to Kenya's National Parks and Reserves. It offers the international visitor an opportunity to learn what he/she expects to see across the country. You will get a taste of Kenya's rich animal collection which includes the white rhino,rare bongo,albino zebra,collection of cats,primates and antelopes.It is a home to a collection of over 150 species of local trees.

Nairobi Safari Walk is a conservation-cum-education facility that has been developed from the former Animal Orphanage. Eleven hectares of land have been set aside for the construction of this facility in order to give visitors a sample of Kenya’s rich bio-diversity. In other words, to set the standards of conservation education in Kenya. The site also serves as KWS centre for development of education materials.

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Safari walk
The Safari Walk depicts three major habitats: Wetland, savannah and forest. Armed with this information, you set off for the walk. The entrance is a wetland which is terraced in order to accommodate different types of plants. From here, you move anti-clockwise into the ground level walk. The attraction here is hoofed stock (antelope, zebra, wildebeest etc), hyena, rhino, lion, leopard and cheetah. You get to see the animals in their simulated natural habitats and with strict adherence to the highest standards in wild animal husbandry.

Moving on, you enter a release boma, which will be used to hold the rhino before releasing it into the wild. The boma in this instance becomes a hide from which spectators will be able to look down on a rhino through the eye holes - set at different levels and heights. When the rhino is finally trans located, visitors will be able to also see it from the ground level.

You then enter into a tropical dry forest. The main attraction here are the birds. You can also look out for insects and plants. The walk through this section is really soothing. The area is cool and benches have been provided for those who prefer to sit and listen to the birds singing and insects calling.

There is so much to see and learn as you walk down the well maintained paths. Here you hardly notice how time flies away. At the end of the walk, you emerge into a “look out” viewing section with views straight onto a water hole in the Nairobi National Park. This viewing point gives the visitor an opportunity to see all sorts of game - if you are lucky.

The final section of the Safari Walk is a board walk built at tree top level. From the board, you have an aerial view of the whole facility. You also see a leopard blind which has been cleverly constructed at tree branch height so that there is no need for one to look up at the animal. The animal is lounging in high branches. At first it is scary as you notice that there is no glass in this side, but then you relax as you discover that the distance between the tree and the blind is too far a distance for the leopard to jump across. The base of the blind is covered with an iron sheet and electric fencing for added security.There are also separate lion and cheetah blinds. Here, behind a 25 mm thick laminated glass, you sit down to view the lions and the cheetahs at ground level - in their enclosed savannah habitat.

While doing the board walk, you also get another look into the park itself, overlooking a dam. From here, you see baboons scavenging for food. Their young ones clutched on the backs or underneath their mothers. From the viewing point, you begin your uphill walk and suddenly emerge at the starting point. You realized then that the whole board walk actually covers one and half kilometres.

The Safari Walk has been designed to blend in with the natural environment. It is made of sisal and gum poles. Interestingly, even the waste bins and light shades are built from these materials so that nothing looks out of place.And if you are tired and would still like to capture the breathtaking scenes, there are benches and shaded areas where one can rest. And if you are thirsty, water fountains are conveniently located.

You don’t need to feel insecure even for a moment while strolling in this natural habitat. Electric fencing, moat and chain link fence have been discreetly placed for the dual purpose of providing a good view and security. This ensures that the animals remain in their designated habitats.The unparalleled design of the gates means that the animals can access their sleeping areas without interference.The whole walk takes almost two hours. The walk has been artistically constructed - zig- zags, bends, tree canopies, hills etc.

The Rangers Restaurant:

After the walk you are free to visit the Rangers Restaurant for a refreshing drink.This joint is located at the end of the board walk overlooking a water hole.

Note: This tour can be combined with the tour of the Animal orphanage located 10 meters away.

For cost, send your inquiries to our email address: info@victoriasafaris.com
- All ground transport in a private 4x4 safari land cruiser and an experienced full time English speaking driver guide
- Full board accommodation
- Flying doctors evacuation insurance
- Services of a professional English-speaking tour driver/guide
- All airport transfers
- Game drives and park entry fees
- Applicable government taxes
- Personal travel insurance
- International airfares
- Entry visas and airport taxes

- All personal expenditure such as tips, telephone calls, laundry and drinks.
- Optional activities like cultural visits, guided nature walks which are not specified e.t.c
- Extras at the hotels i.e. beverages and drinks, telephone, laundry etc.
- Tipping



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