Friday 15 May 2015

Community and Cultural Tourism in East Africa

Africa is a continent of various different tribes which form numerous communities. It is in Africa where we find many communities living in diverse tribal groups speaking in a spectrum of dialects. In order to understand the cultural behaviour of the African populace, it is quite ideal for you to visit and live amongst them. In view of this, Victoria Safaris has formed different cultural and community tour packages that takes the traveller into the African continent. These tours into Africa include cultural and community tours in East Africa, South Africa, Egypt and West Africa.

Meanwhile Victoria Safaris is concentrating on the East African community tours which include trips to the five east African countries of Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania. We also incorporate Pemba and Zanzibar Islands.
With the election of the 44th American President and the first African-American - namely Senator Barack Obama - the first black USA President has entered into the white house. As a result of this unique historical event various tourists worldwide are streaming into Africa in order to learn the cultural and community behaviour of the African with a special interest for East Africa and particularly Kenya. Many of these tourists are trooping into the small sleeping village in Siaya known as Kogelo, where Barack Obama's father and grandfather were laid to rest and where his kin are still to be found.

Victoria Safaris being a local company whose owners originate from East Alego location, and whose homes are just 8km away from Kogelo village are well placed for tours and safaris into the Kogelo village in Kenya which is part of East Africa. Victoria Safaris urges individuals and corporate clients (including journalists) who wish to visit these places of interest to book with us. We will help you learn about the Luo culture and traditions.


East Africa has numerous tribes that are divided into various community that practise their cultures and traditions. Victoria Safaris has made several tour packages into the above named countries which includes cultural and community based tours and safaris. In Kenya Victoria Safaris will take you to the Mijikenda (nine tribes) at the coast region of Kenya. We will also take you to visit the Maasai tribe, those who co-exist with animals in the wilderness of Kenya and Tanzania, the other tribes whom tourists can visit include the Turkana in Northern Kenya, the Samburu, the Kikuyu in Central Kenya, the Kisii or Abagusii in Nyanza, the Luyha of Western Kenya and the Kalenjin living within the Great Rift Valley.

In Uganda we would like to take you for a visit to the Baganda tribe, the Banyankole and the other tribes who live along and near Lake Victoria. In Rwanda you expect to meet the two tribes - Tutsi and Hutu living in harmony after the genocide that sadly decimated the population of this East African country.

In Tanzania you can expect to meet the many tribes from northern to southern Tanzania. In Zanzibar you will interact with the Swahili tribe and the Arabs who colonised this region for a long time. Victoria Safaris customizes various cultural and community based Eco- tourism packages within the East African countries. We therefore urge those willing to study and visit various tribes and communities in East Africa to customize their trips and safaris with us. The following are some of the community based trips or packages we have:-

  •     Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania Community based safari
  •     Uganda and Kenya Cultural and Community based safaris
  •     Lake Victoria Community and Cultural trip
  •     Northern Tanzania Community Safaris
  •     Lake Eyasi Bushmen Community based tour

Kenya is a country of 42 tribes which form a very complex and robust community. It is only in Kenya that you will find various communities living in harmony for several years without a civil war amongst them although there have been several tribal flare ups that occur every election year as a result of polarizations caused by politicians. Out of the 42 tribes spread within the Kenyan country, the highest population is the Kikuyu followed by Luhya and the Luo around Lake Victoria. At the Kenyan coast you will find the Mijikenda, in central province the Kikuyu, the Luo along lake Victoria, the Kisii's in South Western parts of Kenya, the Maasai in the south and the South Eastern part, the Kamba tribe known for their dances and curio making (sculptures) live in the eastern part of Kenya. The Samburu's and Turkana's and the Somali’s live in the northern part of Kenya. Victoria Safaris have several packages for community visits which are mixed with wildlife and adventure travel within the whole of Kenya.

Recently Victoria Safaris started various community visits to Nyango Makogelo, the ancestral home of the US President - Barack Obama whose father was born and bred in Kogelo village, East Alego location in Siaya district. Being that the directors and owners of Victoria Safaris also hail from this region in Kenya at a small village called Ulafu which is 8 km from Kogelo village we are better placed for the regional and local tourism packages into the ancestral home of the US President- Barack Obama. We speak the local language; we know the area and understand the cultural behavior and beliefs within this region. Being Luo's, we speak the local language and we will take you to the interior of the region including the markets, the villages and arrange rural and village home stays for those visitors who would want to have the inside knowledge of the people of Kogelo, Luo's and Siaya in particular.

Our Safaris into the various communities in Kenya start from Nairobi city - Jomo Kenyatta international airport and in Mombasa - Moi international airport. For those who would want to go and visit their ancestral home of the 44th first black US President - Barack Obama starts from both from Jomo Kenyatta international airport and Kisumu international airport from Kisumu city. The most preferred community tour packages into Kenya are as follows:-

•  Kogelo Community Excursion
• Kogelo Community Tour
•  Kogelo Community Helicopter Tour
•  Alego Siaya and Kogelo Community Flying Safari
•  Presidential Heritage tour and Kogelo Community Safari in Kenya
•  Around Lake Victoria and Kisumu city tours and safaris
•  Agro - Tourism safaris in Western Kenya
• Western Kenya Community based Eco- tourism safari
•  Western Kenya Aquaculture Tours
•  Kogelo Community and Sarah Obama's orphanage visits
•  Ambassador Sarah Obama's home village Tours and Safaris in Kenya

Victoria Safaris urges those who would want to visit, stay, and tour western Kenya, Nyanza province, Kogelo village and Siaya town and it's vicinity to book with us since we have the know - how, the experience and being the only tour operator which is a member of KATO coming from this region.


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